Chair, YMCA Board of Directors
You are the backbone of how we help community at the YMCA. Our donors at all levels are expanding our impact across the province in Child Care, Camps, Employment, Immigration, and Health & Wellbeing, and after 170 years of serving Halifax, we continue to be touched by your support.
The YMCA was hard at work in 2022, actively delivering and building new opportunities for the community to engage and reconnect. We saw programs like Y Mind and Youth Transitions begin helping youth who need alternative health care options to be their best selves. We recognized that the need for financial assistance in our community has doubled in the last year and revamped our financial assistance program to make it more accessible. We remain committed to meeting the needs of Ukrainians, who arrived fleeing war and have put down new roots in our beautiful province of Nova Scotia. We renovated our beloved Community Y and have created more space for our children and youth to enjoy their after school programs! Your support has gone a long way and ensures that we deliver on our purpose of creating communities through a sense of belonging. This is only possible, thanks to donors like you.
The last year brought us renewed hope. With the help of those who believe in our mission, we were able to make a difference in the lives of all people who find our Y. Thank you for being part of our mission, and an active member of our community.
With Gratitude,
Sonya Fraser
Chair, Board of Directors
YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth
Helped us meet our fundraising goals to sustain our YMCA programs and services across the province
To access essential services and a sense of community.
allowed us to sustain existing and start new programs, so that we continue to evolve and meet the needs of our communities.
helped 7 young YMCA leaders who are students pay for post-secondary education.
by individuals, companies, and other community organizations to support access to our YMCA's life-enhancing programs and services.
back to our charity via payroll deductions, dedicating their time, talent, and treasure to our mission!
Thank you to the following funders, who have made contributions to the YMCA’s programs, services, and facilities in 2022 to keep up our charitable work in the community:
83 years ago, Virginia Salsman made her first gift to our YMCA at only 10 years old. Ginny grew up in Wolfville with her mother and father, and started her first job babysitting at the young age of 10. Her father, a man who supported the YMCA himself, instilled in her the value of giving back to community through the YMCA.
“He told me that I should pick somewhere to give back to. We decided on 10% of my earnings, and I gave it to the Y.”
Since then, she’s made gifts throughout her whole life on an annual basis to sustain the YMCA as a charity in the community. Ginny went on to become an accountant for John Lindsay Sr., who became an incredible Y Champion through his own health journey.
“I would go around to all the workers, because I was the accountant, and ask everyone in the company how much they wanted to donate to the YMCA from their paycheck, you know? Because it was important to John, it was important to us.”
Ginny was encouraged by John to start exercising at the YMCA. She met many friends in our programs. She’s still in touch with some of them to this day, and plans to continue to support the YMCA for years to come.
“The Y is such a lovely place for young people to grow and learn. If I were to ask someone to donate to the Y, I’d tell them about the people I helped there.”
Thanks to the hundreds of community members who believed in our “Everyone Has a Story” Campaign, our YMCA was able to meet our goal of raising $100,000 to sustain our charitable programs and services! With Cliff & Jill Langin’s matching gift, every person who donated to our mission made double the impact. We were able to hear from the community and tell Y Stories of resilience, making friends, becoming great leaders, and exploring new opportunities. Even our volunteers got in on telling their Y Stories!
Check out our Campaign video below, featuring YMCA members Lorna, Adrius, and Midya to hear their Y Stories!
“Growing up I had fond memories of spending Saturday mornings in Moncton at the gym and swim program. I went on to become a volunteer fitness instructor. As a new parent living in Oshawa, both children attended the child care program and learned to swim while I was able to make meaningful connections with other parents. Wherever life has taken me, including Halifax just over a decade ago, the Y has been part of my story and made every community feel like home.”
– Patty Faith, YMCA Board Member & Volunteer
Youth Transitions Program (YTP) is a free program at the YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth for youth ages 12-18. The goal is to help guide and transition youth to the next stage of their life, no matter what that may be, and to help youth grow and become the best versions of themselves.
Since YTP started in September 2022, over 300 youth have attended, and this number is growing every week! Most participants find YTP through workshops offered at local schools. Thanks to the workshops, the YTP Leaders have built great relationships with the youth and have successfully enrolled an increasing number of students into the full program.
YTP program is currently offered at Cunard Junior High and Oxford School, where YTP staff provide support 4-5 time a week. The YMCA staff has successfully built mutually beneficial relationships with the schools, and hope to continue and grow the program as the year goes on.
YTP Leaders are in the process of onboarding volunteers for the mentorship component of the program. YTP is growing every day. Our Youth Support Workers are very close to capacity for their one-on-one case load and are getting new referrals from the schools every week. The YMCA is excited to see the impact the program has for youth!
Youth Support Worker for the YMCA’s Youth Transitions Program
“Our first lunch time workshop we had 25+ students attend at both schools. Now when we come in, we see youth run up to us and ask if they can work with us today, or if they can stay and hang with them at lunch time. I have seen youth who at the beginning had very little confidence in themselves start to thrive. School faculty are telling us they are seeing improvement with the youth we are working with and want us in the schools more. We are very lucky to have the opportunity to work with such a great group of people from youth, teachers, principals, and more, and I’m grateful to see the impact we are making on the youth firsthand everyday.”
Youth Support Worker for the YMCA’s Youth Transitions Program
“Youth Transitions Program is working to help youth learn life skills, get past barriers, and see a positive future. With all the after effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the challenges which youth were already facing have been compounded. The impact I see each day in YTP is that youth can break out of harmful habits and connect with their goals and find hope. They keep coming back and reaching out because they can see the positive effect of adults who listen and care.”
As a charity and community partner, we at the YMCA know that we cannot do it alone. Working together, with community organizations, and other local, national, and international charities, allows us to make a BIG impact on people who access the Y. In April 2022, the YMCA was incredibly fortunate to distribute 300 children’s winter coats from Operation Warm and grocery gift cards from Second Harvest, to help our community members at the YMCA Centre for Immigrant Programs.
“Seeing the children’s eyes light up when they realized they could pick out their own coat… it was incredibly heartwarming. Behind them, their parents were being given grocery gift cards to help with rising food costs, with tears in their eyes. I loved finding each kid the perfect jacket, with colours that they loved and the perfect fit! I felt relieved that they would have warm clothes for the rest of our harsh Nova Scotia winter.”
– YMCA Staff
Thank you, to all community partners, non-profits, and charities that help the YMCA make a difference in our communities.
902 Man Up
Aidan Kometz
Alasdair Syme
Alden Gibbon
Alexandria Samson
Alice Samson
Allie MacEachern
AllSteel Coatings Ltd.
Alma Tower
Amy Mui
Andrea Banks
Andrew Boswell
Andrew MacNeil
Anna Hutchinson
Anna Migas
Anne-Marie Curtis
Anthony Finch
Arlynne McGrath
Arthritis and Injury Care Centre Atlantic Inc
Arthur J. Gallagher Canada Ltd.
Barry Furlotte
Benjamin Tucker
Bert Hartnell
Betty Crombie
Betty Muggah
Bimla Rana
Black Educator’s Association
BMO Bank of Montreal
Robert Mussett
Brenda Duplisea
Brenda Reid
Brett Macdonald
Brian Jessop
Brian Posavad
Brian Titus
Brianna Cromwell
Brooke Robinson
Campbell Comeau Engineering Limited
Carole McDougall
Catherine B Lazier
Catherine d’Anjou
Catriona Eleftheros
Charles Bowers
Charlotte Baker
Chris Enns
Christine Eisenhauer
Christine James
Christine Nault
Christine Tompkins
Christopher Cox
Christopher Wilson
Claire Rillie
Claudia Dembeck
Cliff & Jill Langin
Clockwork Communications Inc.
Cobequid Educational Centre
Common Good Solutions Inc.
Community Foundations of Canada
Coral van Vessem
Craig Peacock
Creignish Seafarers Limited
Dale Roode
Dan MacCormack
Dana Rideout
Daniel Campbell
Daniel Milner
Daniel Woo
David & Cheryl Murray
David Dobbelsteyn
Deborah & Vernon Murray Vandewater
Delmore Buddy Daye Learning Institute Inc.
Denis Ryan
Dennis Whelan
Destiny Green
Don Mills
Donny Fairfax
Dormie Golf Workshop Inc
Douglas Hill
Dr. Krista Jangaard
DSM Nutritional Products Canada Inc
Dwayne Coyle
Margaret Brookbank
Edith Lafleur
Elizabeth Townsend
Emmanuel Devred
Eric Siegel
Erin Devane
Ernst & Young LLP
Essence Mitchell
Eugenia Renderos
Faizullah Asadullah
Finn Wilson-Devane
Fiona Macintosh Robar
Fiona Polson
Forest Brain
Fred Fountain
Fred Honsberger
Gail Chaddock-Costello
Garity Chapman
Genevieve Beed
George Rodger
George Waye
Gerald Felix
Gillian Scott
Gina Patterson
Gordon Morrison
Gordon Stanfield
Grace Elizabeth MacDonald
Halifax International Airport Authority
Halifax Regional Municipality
Halifax Youth Foundation
Hayley Jean Wallace
Heather Cumming
Heather Meldrum
Henry Schein Inc.
Hye Kim
Ian Hamilton
Ian Macarthur
Ian Manson
Michael Macdonald
Jacob Woods
James Blake
James MacGowan
Jason Blanch
Jason Wilson
Jay Collins
Jayne Roma
Jeff Woodhouse
Jennifer Berry
Jennifer Lohnes
Jennifer McKeane
Jennifer Organ
Jennifer Thornhill
Jeremy Lai
Joanna Holland
John Gillis
John Meagher
Jon Dyer
Jude Lamorre
Kailee Hominick
Karen Gardiner
Karen Peori
Katherine Rossiter
Kathryn Hull
Kathy Dillman-Smith
Keith Persaud
Kelly Lightfoot
Kevin Schwenker
Kirk MacCulloch
Lana Maclean
Laura Simpson
Laura Stiles-Clarke
Layla Rahmeh
Lindsay Melvin
Lindsey Oram
Line Goguen-Hughes
Liz Fitting
Lloyd DeLeon
Lora MacEachern
Lorraine Campbell
Lorrie Turnbull
Lou Gannon
Louise Gillis
Lover Atwork Office Furniture
Lucy Walsh
Lukas Marks
Lynda Thomas
Lynn S. Coveyduck
Lynne Patterson
MacKenzie Thomson
Mackillop Pictou Law Group Inc.
Magalie Sephton
Manulife Financial
Marah Haywood
Margaret Miller
Marita Winaut
Mark Saldanha
Mark Smith
Mark T. Knox Inc.
Mary Navas
Matthew Brown
Medavie Blue Cross
Medavie Health Foundation
Megan Dicks
Melanie Campbell
Melanie MacDermid
Melanie Petrunia
Melissa Rothfus
Michael Tate
Michelle Bussey Sare
Mico Schwartzentruber
Misty Cartmill
Moira Chiasson
Moraig Macgillivray
Municipal Enterprises Limited
Nancy Rondeaux
Nathan Sutherland
Ned Perry
NGM Investments Inc.
Nicholas Shklanka
Nicole Baden-Clay
North End Business Association
Northbridge Financial Corporation
Nova Scotia NDP Caucus
Office Interiors
Pamela C. Anderson
Patricia Greenlaw
Patrick Brannon
Patty Faith
Paul Davie
Paula Latham
Perry Borden
Peter Alward
Peter Conrod
Peter Fardy
Peter Greene
Pink Larkin
Qutaiba Alomari
Rebekah Skeete
Rita Jennex
Robbie Shaw
Robert Fraser
Robert Richardson
Robert Tupper
Robin McNeil
Rod Sterling
Ruby Badger
Ryan Zaldin
Safia Day
Sandy Smith
Sara MacInnis
Sarah Elliot
Sarah McInnes
Sarah Young
Scotiabank – Halifax Corporate Office
Scott Biggar
Scott Logan
Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada
Sebastiaan Ambtman
Sera Thompson
Shannon Bradley
Sian Wren
Silvio Vaca-Talbot
Sonya Fraser
Sophie Maunder
Stephanie Reid
Stephen Macdonald
Steve McCuaig
Steven Wilson
Stewart McKelvey
Susan Stylianides
Suzy Hansen, MLA
TD the Toronto Dominion Bank
Terene Murphy
The Bank of Nova Scotia
The Bin Doctor Ltd
The Robert Steele Foundation
The Shaw Group Limited
The Windsor Foundation
Tim Reid
Tina Drapeau
Tori Grant
Tracey Gray
Tracey Thomas
Travis McDonough
Trina Samson
Truly Nolen Pest Control
United Way Halifax
United Way of Pictou County
Velo Apartments
Vernell Johnson
Village on the Canal Association
Viola Jackson
Virginia Salsman
Vivian Dixon
Wesley G. Campbell
Wilfred A. Jackson
William Adshade
Yasmin Mukhtar
Director of Purdy’s Wharf Child Care Centre
“I graduated from St. Joseph’s College in 2006 and have been working in the early childhood field for almost 20 years now. My passion has always been centered around the health and wellbeing of all children, and fostering a warm, welcoming atmosphere where children feel safe and secure. Family means the world to me, and I look forward to bringing that love and care into my work.”
Assistant Director Purdy’s Wharf Child Care Centre
"I’ve worked with the YMCA since June 2021 and my passion is to work with preschoolers. On my personal time, I enjoy listening to music, reading books and spending time with my little ones."
"I have been with the Y as an ECE for over 38 years. My greatest achievement was developing the Grand friends' program which brings together children from the Y with residents of nearby geriatric facilities and promotes social and emotional elements."
"I believe that every child is a different kind of flower and all together, makes this world a beautiful garden. My hobbies are listening to music and travelling to new places."
"I started working with the YMCA in august 2022. I really like being around and playing with little ones and I’m so grateful that the “Y” gave me an opportunity to do what I love!"
"My interests include cooking, drawing, and listening to music. I love to work with children, and I believe that only if the success feels like your own, it can be both happy and valuable."
"I really enjoy working with children and this is a great chance for me to do what I love! My hobbies are reading, travelling, and exploring different places. I encourage students to actively play and explore new things with their friends (based on their interests).
"I am graduate from Conestoga College, Ontario. I am so grateful to be a toddler teacher. In my spare time, I love cooking and exploring new places."
Director of Fall River Early Learning Child Care Centre
"I've been a part of the YMCA in Alberta, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. I am honoured to be a part of building stronger communities through supporting families and most importantly children!"
Assistant Director of Fall River
"I love building relationships with the children and watching them discover new interests. On my personal time, I enjoy reading, listening to music and spending time with my family."
" I am an ECE who is passionate about inclusion, and I strive to create warm environments where everyone thrives and feels supported."
"I have worked as an RECE with the YMCA of Greater Toronto for the past 17 years. In my spare time, I enjoy time with my two children and husband, reading, gardening, traveling back to Trinidad to spending time with my extended family."
"I completed my Early Childhood Education diploma in Montreal and have been working with children since April of 2023. I love working with children because it gives me the opportunity to explore the world again through little eyes. "
"It has been a rewarding experience working with children and families. Each of them are unique in their own ways. I work to create an environment where children feel loved, cared for, respected, and like they belong."
" Authentic play comes from down deep inside us. It’s not formed or motivated solely by others.
"I love to spend time with children and believe in creating positive learning environments for them."
"I adore working and playing with children and families; it is so rewarding. I work to create environments which will foster children’s holistic development, and where they can feel loved and safe. "
"For children’s development, I believe it is very important for an educator to be a good role model. I will give my best to my class in order to promote children’s social, emotional, lingual, cognitive, and intellectual development. "
" The beauty of working with children is the ability to make a positive impact, not only in the children’s life but in the lives of their family and the community.
" I am an ECE who loves to spend time with the children, and I believe that we can learn more from the children than we expect. I also believe that in order to be a good educator, we must first be friends with the children.
"I’ve worked with infants, right through to preschoolers! I absolutely adore all children and have a vast experience working with children of different backgrounds, cultures and needs."
"I used to work as an after- school group leader with HRCE and helped my mom run a daycare at home. I have 3 nephews and 4 nieces; it is always a pleasure to spend time with them in the parks or doing activities like craft or play dough."
" Children require an environment that reflects and respects their interests and ideas, provides creative and open-ended experiences, offers opportunities to work alone or alongside each other and promotes a sense of authentic choice.
"I have been in the ECE field since 2005, guiding and helping children ages 18 months to 10 years. I enjoy being outdoors, hiking, camping, beaches, or a nice peaceful walk. I think it's important for children to learn from their outdoor environment and neighborhood."
" Play is not knowing where you’re going, but having a great starting point
ECE, Level 2
" As early childhood professionals, our job is simply this…to help children make meaning out of the world in which they find themselves"
ECE, Level 1
" We value the zest for living and learning that embodies curiosity, playfulness, determination, persistence, pleasure in accomplishment, resilience, and the sheer joy of being alive.”
ECE, Level 1
" If a child is to keep alive [their] inborn sense of wonder… [they need] the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with [them] the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in..”
" The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.”
"I completed my culinary management diploma in Ontario, and I have five years of experience working in different restaurants across Canada. Children are so pure; like angels. Being able to make food for angels is a very rewarding thing to do. "
The YMCA leadership team supports all areas of the organization in serving our community. We provide quality programs and services that are reflective of the evolving communities we serve.
President & CEO
He/ Him
[email protected]
p. (902) 222-1177
Chief Operating Officer
She / Her
[email protected]
p. (902) 222-7533
Chief Financial Officer
She/ Her
[email protected]
p. (902) 423-4907 Ext. 225
Chief Development Officer, Donor Relations
She/ Her
[email protected]
p. (902) 456-0583
Director, People & Culture
She / Her
[email protected]
p. (902) 225-2790
Vice President, YMCA Atlantic Regional Development Centre (RDC)
She / Her
[email protected]
p. (902) 221-8974
General Manager, Child Engagement & Operations
She/ Her
[email protected]
p. 902-223-0015
Director of Strategic Communications
She / Her
[email protected]
p. (902) 222-7279
General Manager, Youth and Leadership Development
She/ Her
[email protected]
p. 902-237-7490
General Manager, Asset & Development
He / Him
[email protected]
p. (902) 223-3986
General Manager Of YMCA Immigrant Services
She/ Her
[email protected]
p. 902-457-6871
Vice President, Health, Fitness, and Aquatics
She/ Her
[email protected]
p. 902-717-8060
Director, Employment Services Centre
She/ Her
[email protected]
p. 902-461-2513 ext. 228
Director, Employment Services Centre
She/ Her
[email protected]
p. 902-499-7560
As a leading charity, the YMCA is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. This group of community volunteers provides vision, strategic leadership and stewardship for the Association. The YMCA Board of Directors meets regularly with an Annual General Meeting held every spring. We are extremely grateful to every member, past or present, of the YMCA’s Board of Directors.
Stephen MacDonald is the President and Chief Executive Officer of EfficiencyOne, the not-for-profit operator of Canada’s first electricity efficiency utility, Efficiency Nova Scotia.
A Chartered Professional Accountant, Stephen is the CEO and a member of the Board of Directors of EfficiencyOne Services, and the Halifax Climate Investment, Innovation and Impact (HCi3) Fund. He is also a member of the Canada Electricity Advisory Council, an expert advisory body to provide advice to the Minister of Natural Resources to accelerate investment, and promote sustainable, affordable and reliable electricity systems. Stephen is a recipient of Canada’s Clean50 award and has twice been recognized as one of Atlantic Canada’s Top 50 CEOs; both acknowledging his industry-leading efforts promoting energy efficiency and reducing C02 emissions. The YMCA’s promise of building healthy communities by creating spaces and programs that help people belong aligns with Stephen’s vision of Nova Scotia becoming a more diverse and inclusive province.
Lora MacEachern is a Senior Government Executive and Lawyer, with extensive experience in leadership, law, human resources, public policy, advocacy
She holds a Bachelor of Law from Dalhousie University in Halifax and has been recognized for her exceptional merit and outstanding contributions to the legal community with a Queens Counsel appointment.
As former Associate Deputy Minister of the Department of Labour and Advanced Education, Lora brings an awareness of the important work the YMCA does with inclusive learning and employment programming.
With previous board experience, including the Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia, Lora brings her legal, justice system and youth expertise, and a diverse network to the Y.
Jacob Woods is a Research Associate at the Nova Scotia Community College. Jacob is skilled in energy system analysis
Jacob collaboratively engages with students and faculty annually at NSCC’s open house and tech showcase to highlight the work done by Applied Research. He enjoys working with the diverse population of NSCC students and watching them face challenges head-on while pursuing new opportunities.
Originally from New Glasgow, participating in swim lessons and playing basketball at the YMCA was an important part of his childhood. Jacob is passionate about the community and is a strong supporter of equity and inclusion. As a person with a physical disability, his commitment to para-sports continues to inform the lived experience he brings to the YMCA’s initiatives of promoting the benefits of sports and physical activity for physical and mental health.
Dr. Krista Jangaard is the IWK Health Centre’s President & CEO. She first joined the IWK in 1996 in the division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine and
Krista completed her medical training at Dalhousie University and holds a Master’s of Health Administration. She was awarded the Glenn Moore Memorial Award and the Nova Scotia Association of Health Organizations Award for Academic Excellence.
Krista is an associate professor at Dalhousie University in the department of pediatrics and the department of obstetrics and gynecology. Krista brings her expertise to the board in support of YMCA health and wellness strategic initiatives with a focus in particular on children and youth.
Michelle Bussey is the CEO of the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency (NSAA). Through NSAA, Michelle is working with industry, Government and communities to address the Michelle holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Mount Saint Vincent University, a Masters of Public Administration from Dalhousie University, and has professional certification as a Change Management Practitioner. Inspired by the YMCA’s values of removing barriers and increasing access to learning and services, Michelle is excited to bring forward her expertise and give back at the community level to those in need.
Sarah is a Partner at McInnes Cooper, specializing in Immigration & Employment law.
Sarah holds a Juris Doctor degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. She is a member of the Canadian Bar Association, and the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society and is the past Chair of the CBA-NS Citizenship and Immigration Section.
Sarah is actively engaged in her community; she offers pro bono legal services to individuals through the Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia and was a partner in implementing the Halifax chapter of the Refugee Sponsorship Support Program. Sarah is currently a member of the NSCAD Board of Governors.
It is of particular interest to Sarah to contribute to the YMCA because of the critical role it plays within the immigrant community in Nova Scotia. She is passionate about increasing our immigrant population in our Province, and to dedicating resources to ensure proper settlement supports are in place for our immigrants.
Sian Wren is Vice President of Business Transformation at Emera. In this role, she led a large team of internal employees and external
Sian holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from St. Mary’s University and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and Human Resources from Dalhousie University. She has held various managerial roles with Nova Scotia Power, Casino Nova Scotia and the Pepsi Bottling Group. She is a member at Human Resources Association of Nova Scotia and a former board member of Dress for Success Halifax.
Sian understands how much the Y values connection and looks forward to giving back to the community.
Gregory (Greg) D. Auld,
Jennifer Berry,
Lydia Bugden,
Wesley G. Campbell,
Peter M. Conrod,
Paul J. Dyer,
Peter Doig
Peter G. Fardy,
Lou Gannon,
Mary Ellen Gurnham,
R.F. (Bob) Healy,
Fred Honsberger,
Wilfred Jackson,
John W. Lindsay Jr.
Brian Jessop
Cliff Langin,
Carole McDougall,
James MacGowan,
Stuart MacLean,
R.A. (Rod) McCulloch,
Kirk D. McIntyre,
Don C. Mills,
Robert Richardson,
L. Robert (Robbie) Shaw,
George Waye,
Sarah Young
Audrey Manzer & Lou Gannon