YMCA Senior Snow Removal
Our winters can be harsh. The YMCA and Halifax want to
help keep you safe!
YMCA Senior Snow Removal is a YMCA program – in partnership with the city of Halifax – for seniors, and persons with disabilities which provides a subsidized snow removal service to create safe access. The YMCA pays all service fees directly to the contractor on behalf of program participants.

The YMCA will oversee the clearing of the following areas; however, it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that all areas are free from obstructions:
- Front and back steps
- Walkways
- Ramps
- Access to fuel tanks
Program Eligibility
YMCA Senior Snow Removal is available to all seniors who are sixty-five years of age or more and persons with disabilities who reside in the Greater Halifax/Dartmouth area, and meet the following criteria:
- The participant must reside in a single dwelling home which is owned or rented;
- The participant, also including all individuals who live on the premises aged eighteen or older, must not exceed a total gross household income of $35,000, and;
- The participant may not be a landlord.
What You Can Expect
If you’re an older adult or a person with a disability, contact us so we can help you come and go safely from your home.
Please note, YMCA Senior Snow Removal does not apply to the clearing of your driveway. Should you wish to request support in the clearing of your driveway, the contractor who oversees your snow removal will be happy to provide you with a quote. Any costs incurred from the clearing of a driveway will be paid directly to the contractor by the individual requesting services.
YMCA Senior Snow Removal operates on a first-come, first-serve basis. When we reach maximum capacity for YMCA Senior Snow Removal registration in the program will come to a close and individuals will be placed on a waitlist. Please note that we only consider applications which include proper documentation.
Completed applications may be faxed, drop off, mailed or emailed to:
Attention: YMCA Senior Snow Removal
Community YMCA
2269 Gottingen Street
Halifax, NS B3K 3B7
Email: [email protected]
Call (902) 483-3678 for more information.